Step by Step Guides to Finding Treatment for Drug Use Disorders

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I am not sure what drugs my loved one is taking. Where can I find information on specific drugs and their health effects?

It is important to remember that people who struggle with addiction can have a lot of shame, fear, and anger, and do not always tell the truth about their drug use. You can focus instead on encouraging your loved one to see a doctor as a first step.

What if my friend wants to participate in research studies?

More information on what to expect in treatment and recovery, check out our publication on the science behind addiction, called Drugs, Brains, and Behavior - The Science of Addiction, written by NIDA scientists and is based on many years of research.

There is more information on the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration’s resource page on treatment, prevention, and recovery.

You can also learn more at other NIH Institutes: